Tuesday, May 11, 2010


I spent two weeks during the 2009 summer in Rio, Brazil. Such an awesome city!

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

3 months

As yesterday was the 3 month anniversary of Howard Fisher's Death, I thought it would be appropriate to post a letter I wrote about Howard before he died. In the letter I was convinced that God would heal him physically, but I now realize that God had bigger plans for Howard. And that Howard would still make an impact even after his death.

"Looking back at the last semester I now realize what an excellent opportunity it has been to play with all the seniors especially Howard. It really has been a blessing to have not only played with Howard, but also get to know him, and really create an awesome friendship. When I look at Howard, I don’t just see a huge Jamaican smile, but a man who is destined to do great things in life. I feel as if God has something big planned for Howard, and he will heal him from this disease. As Isaiah 40:31 says, “But those who trust in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not be weary, they will walk and not be faint”. Howard will walk and not be faint. God will raise Him up."

So God did raise him up, just not the way I thought! Praise His name!

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

almost done!

So my first year of college is almost over! I find that so crazy to me that I AM ALMOST DONE being a freshmen! So with about two weeks left of school, I am not looking back at all that happened this freshmen year.

With that said here is a speech I gave in front of the Board of Visitors along with the President of the College, that somewhat sums up my spiritual journey:

I would first like to welcome our honorary guests, Dr. Struble, members of the Advancement and Alumni Offices, and my fellow colleagues. When I look out into this room I find it simply amazing that everyone here right now has had some sort of impact in my life here at Montreat College. You might be wondering, “How could I impact someone I have just met?” Well the fact that you are apart of the Montreat College community means that you have, in some way, been a part of shaping who I am, which makes me deeply grateful for each and everyone here today.

The Definition of the word scholarship is, “a sum of money or other aid granted to a student, because of merit, need, etc .,to pursue his or her studies.” When it says, “to pursue his or her studies” that speaks volumes. Because if you think about it, when someone gives a scholarship, they are giving away free money to assist someone is pursuing their studies. The definition fails to mention that scholarships also help students pursue their dreams. I think we can all come to the conclusion that college is not cheap, and when you come from a family of three other kids, it doesn’t get cheaper. This is why the Board of Visitor’s Scholarship is so important to me personally. At this point I am currently paying at least half if not more of my college tuition off with loans. This means that scholarships, such as the one I have received from the Board of Visitors, mean so much more to me. But the Board of Visitors Scholarship is more than just an envelope with money in it. It is another sign of where God wants me to be right now in my life.

When Mrs. Rogers asked me to share, I immediately thought back to June 11, 2001. Not only is that the day of my sister’s birthday, but it’s the last time I have ever spoken in front of people. You see, this particular day, I was going to be baptized. And so at age 10, I publically declared at my church, that I was putting the world behind me, and the cross before me. From that point till October of last year, I have watched as the world crept back from behind me, and came about before me. To put it plainly, I was worshiping two gods. I attempted to put the World and the Cross both before me, which I found out later, does not work! In attempting to do this, I became the thing I swore I would not become, a lukewarm Christian. I liked what the world had to offer, but still held on to what I had been taught at an early age by my Christian parents. Oh, how Satan works to deceive us! He knew exactly where I was weak, and attacked me. During my Junior and Senior Year in high school, I became engulfed by the world. I began living three lives; one around my family, one around my church, and one around my friends. It became easier to switch from one life to the next, to lie, and to be a complete hypocrite.

So my Dad did the smartest thing he could have done; he made me sign up for a soccer mission trip to Brazil through the Charlotte Eagles. He new the only way to get me on that plane, was by using soccer, because at this time I really didn’t have a walk with Christ. Instead the only thing, I really honestly cared about was playing soccer. I, in fact, had no desire to go at all, but I did anyways, because I promised him I would. So on July 19th of last year, I hopped on a plane with 30 other kids to Rio de Janeiro. We then spent the next 2 weeks using soccer as a tool to share the gospel. During my trip in Brazil, I was really able to see how God works all over the world. After the trip was over, I expected to go on living my life, like the trip had never happened. And so I flew back home, unpacked, washed all my clothes, and then repacked for preseason and college, never thinking God had other plans for me.

As preseason went by, I began to build a solid relationship with Stephen Jackson. He became more than just my captain and teammate, but my big brother. Still unaware that God was at work, I began my first year of college. As the first month went by I began to meet more students, at which I began to grow closer relationships with. I then began to realize that there was something else at work here. I knew in my head, that God was trying to do a work in my life, but I didn’t want to accept it in my heart. I was being the same stubborn kid I had always been, and what it boiled down to was that I did not want to accept what I knew in my head. I knew I was supposed to be at Montreat for a reason, the only problem was that I wasn’t accepting God into that picture I had created for myself.

Then one afternoon in October, everything came together. My life in high school, my experience in Brazil, my new relationships with Christian brothers and sisters, and the new atmosphere of college, all made me realize that there is more to life than the flashing lights of this world. For so long, I struggled with letting go of the desires of this world, because I was afraid of becoming a “Jesus Freak”. But in my small dorm room, I knew felt a burning in my heart to be that “Jesus Freak”. I just had to let go of the stubbornness in me, and let God take control of my life. And so, I told God that I was done with this stubborn life. I was done with living the in-between Christian life and that I wanted to be on fire for God constantly. I no longer wanted to live this lukewarm Christian, but a full time Christian.

I then realized in my heart why God had placed me here at Montreat College. He wanted to use Montreat, so that Montreat could in turn use me later on. What Montreat College has provided for me is something you don’t find in most colleges here in America. Montreat College has provided a place where I have had an opportunity to grow as a Man, as a Christian, and as a Student. Montreat has given me more than just an opportunity to grow. I have learned through people like my Coach, Hub Powell, and many other faculty, what it means to be a true mature man. I have learned how to grow as a stronger Christian, through the example of some close friends that I have made here at Montreat. I have also learned that academic excellence is not just something that the student wants, but even the school. And lastly, I have learned through the loss of Howard Fisher, what it means to have a family away from home. I think it’s very obvious that God has used Montreat College to change my life, which is why I am so grateful for all that are present tonight. Right now, you are impacting not just the next generation of workers in America, but the next generation of Christian workers in America.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

My Top three Movies

Number 1:

Number 2:

Number 3:

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Do you Believe?

The question "Do you believe?" has become the question of all questions. When talking about almost everything, whether it be, God, Santa, or where we came from, that question comes up almost every time. I have found myself not asking this question enough in my life.

Let me back up a bit, I am a Christian, and follower of Christ. Therefore, I "Do believe" that there is a God, who created me and sent His only Son to die for me. So why then should I ask myself "Do you(David) Believe?" if I already know what I believ in. Well, because if I am not costantly checking my Christian walk, then it will become easier to fall away.

So if I constantly ask myself, "Do I believe?", then I will remind myself, who I am constantly representing wherever in life.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

These are my boys! In the picture, is Sam and Pete, who i spent this past Christmas hanging out with. They way we met was only because of the way God works. We were all signed up to go on a Mission/Soccer trip to Brazil. We all met in Chicago with about 25 other people who were all there for the same purpose. To use soccer as a platform to share the gospel.

And so long story short, we spent 3 days in Chicago training and preparing for the trip. Then on July 18th we left for Rio. We then spent 2 weeks playing soccer and spreading the gospel. After the trip was done, Sam, Pete and I stayed in touch. We would frequently call and text to see how each other were doing. Around November we decided to go visit Sammy in California for Christmas break. It was an awesome time!

And still to this day we are in constant contact, beacsue we love each other, and are here for each other.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010


As we get closer to Easter Sunday, i think we forget the real reason of why we celebrate this holiday. Jesus Christ died on the cross, and was resurrected in three days. To think that someone died for me, and the rest of the universe, is crazy! Its so unbelievably awesome to wake up in the morning, and know that not only does my Savior reigns, but He is always there for me.

So as we get closer to Easter Sunday, lets not let the bunnies and chocolate overwhelm the real reason why we celebrate this holiday. That Our God reigns!

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Judging people's invisible book cover

During this second semester, I have learned a very valuable lesson: Don't judge people by the way the look. Here at Montreat College, there are quite a few people, who maybe aren't the coolest kids, or maybe don't dress the best, but who cares. The more I talk to people, the more I get to know them, the more I realize that people are more than what they put on in the morning. I know it sounds original, and the term has already been used, but it really is true. There is more to people than what they look like.

So what now? Just go on living my life? No, start talking to people who don't really know well. Or here's an idea, talk to the person you just think is weirdest cat ever. You never know, they could end up being your best man at your wedding, or business partner. Just saying, you will never know, until to try it.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

loose yourself in yourself?

So have you ever found yourself lost in your thoughts? Yes, we all have. But what if when you got lost in your thoughts, instead of coming back to reality, you stayed lost? What if you we could live in another universe, and that universe was our lost thoughts? That would be pretty trippy to say the least.

Imagine if any thought you ever thought of became physically touchable and physically visible? Dang haha

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Master Plan

In the month of February I have learned a few things that might be useful for my life down the road. I have learned how to let go of people who mean a lot to me. I have learned how to pray for people who are struggling. I have learned how to be patient with people. But most importantly, I have learned that God has a plan for each and every one of us. More specifically, God has taught me that NO ONE including MYSELF can plan out our lives. Only He, creator of the universe, can plan out our lives.

And so I found myself questioning God's plan for my life. Let me back up for a second. At the beginning of February I watched as my teammate, Howard Fisher, fell under attack to a very deadly disease, which in the end killed him. I also witnessed one of my really good friends leave school. And lastly, one of my best friends, Sam, went through some difficult times in his life, for what seemed like, no reason at all.

These three events all caused me to question "why?" Why did God have to take my teammate? Why did He allow for my close friend to leave school? Why did He make Sam go through that pain? For a while I didn't understand, why these events had to occur. But then it hit me, I had been trying to plan out God's plan. I planned for Howard to get better, I planned for Ashley to stay at college,and I planned for Sam to be happy all the time. I WAS WRONG! Who am I to plan out God's plan for my life? I had no right thinking this way! I then realized that everything has a reason, and even when we don't understand why God allows certain things, we have to realize one thing. This is God's plan.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Stop and Stare

So I have had the wonderful privilege to wake up every morning, and see beautiful mountains. I think in this world today, we are constantly going somewhere. Our society is always moving, going, and working, and not resting, stopping, or chilling. We have drilled it into our heads that we always have to be working. And part of that is true, because we have to make money to survive in this world. But there are limits to how much a person can work, which means there is time to, take in a deep breathe of air, and enjoy God's beauty. I think all people, should every once and a while, just stop. Drop everything they are doing, and just look around. Normally when we are focused on getting somewhere or doing something, we loose focus of other things around us.

Now I'm no tree huger, go green, save the planet type of person, because its just not my personality. But I will say, God has truly blessed us with a beautiful world, and we should be praising his name every time we see that beauty!

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

His Plan

At approximatley 9:30 on Wednesday morning, Febuary the third, I found myself completely LOST. My physical body was in Dr. Hub's Principles of Managment class, but my mental self was lost in another world. My big brother, my teamate, my friend, Howard Fisher, was dead.....

This being the first time, I had ever lost anyone close to me, I was flooded with a sea of emotions. Anger, saddness, grief, confusion, lonelyness, and despair were crowding my mind. I truly felt alone.....

For some time I sat in my room thinking about life and death. Then it hit me, Howard was with God right at the very moment! He was looking right at God! How awesome is that, Howard was with the King of the Universe. I was then struck by another epiphany, this is all part of God's plan. And even though it really hurts to know that I will never see Howard again, I now understand that this is what God wants, not what I want.

Monday, February 8, 2010

How sweet the Sound

Amazing Grace

John Newton (1725-1807)

Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound,
That saved a wretch like me.
I once was lost but now am found,
Was blind, but now I see.

T'was Grace that taught my heart to fear.
And Grace, my fears relieved.
How precious did that Grace appear
The hour I first believed.

Through many dangers, toils and snares
I have already come;
'Tis Grace that brought me safe thus far
and Grace will lead me home.

The Lord has promised good to me.
His word my hope secures.
He will my shield and portion be,
As long as life endures.

Yea, when this flesh and heart shall fail,
And mortal life shall cease,
I shall possess within the veil,
A life of joy and peace.

When we've been here ten thousand years
Bright shining as the sun.
We've no less days to sing God's praise
Than when we've first begun.

Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound,
That saved a wretch like me.
I once was lost but now am found,
Was blind, but now I see.

Monday, February 1, 2010


At the glorious age of 18, I am truly blessed! Why? Well, cause of the friends, God has blessed me with. I don't know about you guys, but I have had the opportunity to create, nourish, and experience the relationships that most people don't get to do. I like to compare friendships, to my favorite pair of Jeans. As you get older, the jeans might fade, scratched, and maybe ripped, but they will always provide the same awesome comfortable feeling that you received when you put them on for the first time. Friendships might also get ripped or torn, but the internal feeling they bring, is like no other.

So what now? Ho do i keep my friendships from tearing? Well it is now my responsibility to keep the friendships I have, going. Cause everyone can agree that its pretty easy to make friends, but the hard part is actually keeping those relationships intact. In one sense, building a relationship is like building a house. Each nail, piece of wood, brick, etc, is critical in a house's framework. In a friendship, each memory, picture, roadtrip, etc only strengthens a friendship even more.

In my life, I have had the opportunity to have about around twelve close friends. These people are the people that would have my back if I was in trouble, would spot me if I couldn't pay for something, and so on. We have a mutual understanding that they have my back, and I have theirs. These are the people, you stay up till 6 in the morning playing COD MOD2(Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2), the people who you smoke cigars with, the people you travel 2000 miles to hang out with, the same exact people that love Jesus as much as you do, and are always encouraging you to pursue a better relationship with our Heavenly Father. These people are my friends, my brothers and sisters, my Amigos.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

the news finding me

So last night President Obama gave his state of the union address on all major TV networks. I had know idea it was occuring until I logged onto my facebook profile. The news found me. How? Well a couple of my 600 some friends, had posted status' about President Obama's speech, that seconds before, I had know idea had taken place.

Welcome to the age of technology, the age of not physical social interaction, but the age of social networking. Lets face it, when you get home from work or class you usually go straight to your laptop, desktop, or iphone. At which point you usually go straight to Facebook, Myspace, and/or twitter. Why? Because we are, as Generation Y, attracted to it this new type of socializing. A socializing that involves not hanging out with friends physically, but sitting behind a screen. This is our world, changing before our eyes, so take a picture. And then post it on facebook.

Monday, January 25, 2010

California Bound

California, what a beautiful place! “Hopping off the plane at LAX”, as Miley Cyrus would put it, was if fact what I did! I left from Dulles Airport on the 20th December, right after a huge snowstorm had hit the east coast, and I was sure happy to escape the frigid conditions. When I arrived in LA, I immediately went to the famous burger joint known as “In and Out”, to have my first In and Out burger, and boy oh boy was it good! The next day both me and my boy Sam worked at a Seahorses soccer camp, which continued for 3 days. I had 10 through 12 year olds, which was in my opinion the best group, and I had a blast! Then for the next three days or so, Sam and I went to Chinatown, Orange County, Bel Air, Route 66, and other crazy places. Then on the 27th, our boy Peter flew in, and then the party got started.

Even though I went crazy and made some great memories with Sam and Pete, I learned something very valuable. Friendship. I realized that I need to cherish what I have with these two guys. Because quite frankly, I am really truly blessed to have the relationship with those two guys that I have.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

the smell

well my roommate smells horrible!
I don't know how else to say it except for the fact that he smells absolutely ridicoulouslkkhdfljkwsdfws horrible!!
It in fact is really THAT bad.

I think i get so frustrated, because every time i walk in the room, instead of smelling maybe the multiple air fresheners i have placed around the room, i smell my roommate.

Ahh yes nothing is better than walking in and breathing in a 200 pound eighteen year old man's sweaty clothes littered throughout the floor.

But hey, haha its college right.....ahh yea.....what are you gonna do? Just suck it up i guess.